Explain Everything

Mmkay. Explain Everything has seriously changed my video creation life. My poor husband: he calls me on his way home from work and so often our conversation is about my video that I am currently working on…even he is pumped by association about Explain Everything!

The beautiful thing about this app (besides that it just gets me) is that it eliminates a step entirely in the instructional video creation process. That is, you do not have to create your graphics in a separate program now! You can actually draw them while you are speaking, or use a laser pointer on them as you are speaking making the entire process more organic. More like when you are actually teaching. So you can be in your students minds when they are at home in a more natural way! Muahahaha

Here is a video that I just made – seriously in like 10 minutes – please don’t judge the bassoon reed bassoon players – this is for bare bones basic beginner articulation *side note – if you have a different way to explain this concept or any concepts that I am teaching through videos/ see a glaring error PLEASE for the love of all musical gods tell me – I am NOT too proud!~

When creating this video, I just started talking and illustrating at the same time. When you see something being written or laser pointed at, I did that while talking which is cool! There are some instances where I would want to create my graphics in that separate program and then save as pictures to insert into a video, etc. BUT this was great for just a quick instructional video so kids can take digital me home with them and learn something!

This program does not offer the ease of adding background music or sound effects like iMovie, so don’t worry – I am still an iMovie girl, but Explain Everything is great for something quick and simple – no frills, but great function!

Speaking of iMovie…You can use these babies in perfect harmony! After you have created your video in Explain Everything, you have many options about what to do next – export seamlessly to YouTube, save to camera roll, export to other things, export to iMovie – you could add your sound effects and background music as well as any other special effects that you desire. Some apps do not offer the option of sharing your video with another program…which is selfish. Explain Everything definitely plays well with others!

Don’t mind my secret word at the end – a little fun and mystery never hurt anyone 🙂


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