Intro to Ninja Challenges

Tricking my students into learning….favorite past time. Ninja Challenges do just that – but this post is about yet another great feature in ExplainEverything!

This video was made in ExplainEverything (see this post for more details about my newest favorite video creation tool) and then I moved it to iMovie for some formatting and export to YouTube.

It took literally 11 minutes.

The coolest feature about this app that I used today was the “lock image” feature. This app will allow you to draw an image (in my case it was the staff) and then lock or freeze it into place. Once I did that, I drew my notes in and was free to erase them if I didn’t like how they looked or changed my mind about something without erasing my staff! Now that is some FREEDOM!

Maybe you have never experienced this, but drawing a staff on an iPad and then messing up on your last note is THE WORST because you end up erasing a chunk of your staff along with the note – if you look at some of my older videos you will see where that may have happened.

This feature would also be amazing when making keyboard videos like this one – draw the keyboard, lock it in place, and then write or draw all over it to your hearts content without having to re-do any of it!

This feature rocks!

P.S. if you have the app, you can find this feature by pressing the little “i” button in the editor screen

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