How to Google Search LIKE A BOSS

Search Like A Boss

Hey there flipping friends!

I want to give you some happy October (or anytime!) encouragement before I tell you about a little fun you can have here on the interweb 🙂

October is, in my opinion, SO LONG AND BUSY! My sweet husband is a high school band director and I teach middle school band, so we are basically passing ships this month. When we have a meal together it is a BIG DEAL! Between marching contests, and first middle school band concerts, it is easy to get bogged down in the ‘busy’ and forget that we did choose this career willingly and really do love it!

Think about when you got your first job (or when you decided to teach music) and how exciting it was, how happy it made you! I urge you to make this feeling your reality when you see your precious kids every day – they deserve that freshness and excitement from you!

…and don’t forget that October is hard for the kids too! They have final football and volleyball games, their brothers and sisters have school functions, their parents (and other teachers!) are tired too…

October is tough. But it is almost over – we have almost made it! So make some corney fall and halloween jokes, light your autumn scented candles and keep your spirits up because the kids need you to! 🙂 YOU GOT THIS!

Alrighty, here’s some Riddle fun for you! While you could use Riddle for instruction, right now, I am using it more for morale boosting and fun for kids.

This website (sign up for a free account to start creating) lets you make those Buzz-Feed-Esque top 10 lists, personality tests, polls, quizzes, and surveys. Honestly, I was most excited to make my own top “whatever” lists. I am also steadily working on a “which instrument are you?” personality quiz that I think my students will fawn over.

Here’s a “You know you teach band if…” list for you to peruse and enjoy (or not) that took me about 10 minutes to create! So much bang for your buck (and your “buck” in this case is your precious October time, people!)

You know you teach band if…

You have small screw drivers in your house, your desk, your pockets…

Oh, didn’t they tell you that you would have to be an instrument repair technician and a teacher?

You can take attendance, tune the flute section, and collect t-shirt orders all in the first 5 minutes of class

How much do I pay? Where are the extra forms? Flat or sharp? Where is Hannah? You are a master multi-tasker

You are great at packing lots of things into small spaces…

Need to fit the drumset on the back of a school bus? No problem! You might even have a record for how many tubas you have fit in your personal vehicle at one time…

You become a huge advocate for your students…

Students come to you with problems of all kinds because they trust you and know you will watch out for them. You help with math homework, teach those tricky measures at the end of the music, and have a box of tissues ready if someone is having a bad day.

You call others to “set” multiple times a day

Sometimes you call your dog to “set”…they don’t respond…and you get upset

You strive for perfection, expect hard work….

and celebrate like crazy with your students when they achieve something great!

Students can have fun with this and create things for each other or enjoy what you create for them!

Make sure if you add pictures, you use an appropriate Google Search and only use images that are at least “free to use or share”! Always Search like a BOSS!

Smart Googling

You OWN this October!

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