TedEd – wowza!

You have got to try this!

Here is a lesson that I just created in TedEd. What a beautiful and interactive platform to share your (or someone else’s) video instruction on!

Here is the breakdown:

  • Visit http://ed.ted.com/
  • create a free account (yes, you have to do this for just about everything!)
  • pull a video from literally anywhere to be the mainstay of your lesson
    • I pulled a video I had already made off of YouTube
    • You can use any video on YouTube and even search for them through the lesson editor, though I would be cautious with copyright – don’t mess around with that! I don’t know any details about this, and TedEd does credit the video source so there may not be an issue, but still, I would use professional judgement and common sense here.
      • you are more than welcome to use any of my videos! 🙂
  • Add multiple choice or written response questions in
    • you can even tag the timing in the video where a student can find the answer if they are confused!
  • Add expansion materials (I added links to some online rhythm games where students could practice rhythmic skills discussed in the lesson)
  • Add a discussion section – here is where you can see who is participating! Make it a grade for them to comment in the discussion section! Cool!! It can also be a very relevant and important discussion topic!
  • Add a note at the end – more source materials, pictures, words of encouragement, whatever they want!

Students can look at all sections in your lesson while watching the video which rocks!

I love this! This is a great expansion to use especially for advanced players – I am going to try it over spring break….they will discuss recordings of them playing their contest music! I will add source material for them to listen to that will include professional (or more professional than them) recordings of their pieces. To get the grade they will have to be part of the discussion.

*Note: students will have to register for a free TedEd account to participate in discussions

Oh wow – more ideas! How about using this as a tool for concert evaluations? Obviously listening activities are totally possible here! Any concept that you are teaching through video (or reviewing) is going to be further anchored in student brains when they are interacting with it! Use a QR code or tinyURL to link them to the lesson. This is awesome!

I. Can’t. Wait.

Okay go – go make lessons and then share them here! I am dying to see them! Oh, the possibilities!!

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