Listening Literacy Playlists (and how to use them in Google Forms!)

A listening lesson is something that every student can do on their own. These kinds of quick assignments can EASILY be made and reproduced weekly/monthly/whatever-ly by just copying and pasting in new content. Click HERE to access my template in Google Forms – please make sure to save your own copy before making any changes!

How I created my Listening Literacy Lesson Template and how you can edit it or recreate your own!

YouTube Playlists 

Here’s my ever-evolving list of YouTube videos that I think demonstrate good sound and/or (mostly and!) would be fun/inspiring to a student playing that instrument. These are not all the videos on the internet so you may have your own favorites – drop me a comment with yours and I’ll add them to this list! You can also save any or all of these from my playlists to your own and cultivate your own resource 🙂

Flute Listening Literacy

Oboe Listening Literacy

Bassoon Listening Literacy

Clarinet Listening Literacy

Saxophone Listening Literacy

Brass Listening Literacy

Percussion Listening Literacy

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