I can’t believe that it is November and that Thanksgiving is this week!
Over the past few months, I’ve offered free webinars that focus on Google Tools once per month. I truly hope that you find them helpful!
This month’s topic is Google Slides and the Peardeck add on. I am excited to share with you some ways to use these tools with your synchronous and asynchronous learners and even as some interactive sub plans (because we all need those emergency plans right now!).
I’d love for you to sign up and join me on Saturday November 28th at 10AM CST. If you can’t join live, I’ll also send out a recording of the webinar after it is over so you can check it out at your leisure!
If you want to get a quick email when new webinar’s are announced, make sure to sign up for my Subscriber List here! You’ll get an email asking you to confirm your email address, so make sure to click on that to finish up the process! I promise that I won’t spam you or sell your info 🙂
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