There is something so intriguing to me about new ideas
I’m hooked. Tell me more.
He goes on to expand on what flipping really means. Essentially it is getting the students to change their learning time from inside the classroom to outside of the classroom so that when they get to class they can get help, ask questions, or expand on something they learned outside of class. Teacher directed and planned videos guide their learning outside of class so that inside class time can be more efficient.
My wheels are turning at this point and the dude has only been talking for about 5 minutes.
I have made instructional videos and used them with my classes already in past years – I just need to make them available to the students.
This is beautiful.
Why I am in love with flipping:
– Students are in charge of their own learning – they can watch a video as many times as they need to in order to gain understanding.
– Class time should be much more efficient!
– Students learn how to be lifelong learners and do something outside of a classroom
– It is SO FUN for me 🙂
I’m in. What do I do to start?
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