That Flipping Bootcamp Week 1: Canva

That Flipping Bootcamp Week 1

If you have looked around on very much at all, you have enjoyed my Canva designs. I make them for pretty much everything. I am a little obsessed!

Your challenge this week is to create your own Canva account and try your hand at making a graphic or two. When you create an account, all you need is an email address and your own password. It is WAY easy! visit to take care of this first and important step. Oh yeah, registration is also FREE! yes.

Once you create an account, it will actually prompt you to make your very first design – it will even walk you through it if you want! I like to play with things and figure them out on my own so I skipped this step many months ago when I first created my account, but this website is full of amazing features.

You’ll notice when you get going that some icons and graphics will have a little “free” box in the bottom right hand corner. Others will have a “$” – this means that you will have to pay for that element before you are allowed to publish or download your creation. I have spent many happy hours on Canva creating hundreds of graphics without ever spending a penny, so just be flexible. You can also upload your own images and use them for free…or do a google image search and responsibly use images that you find there.

The images that you create are private unless you choose to make them public – I am always careful to keep things private that have a student name on them or the date and time for an event with my students. On my public profile, you will see many of the graphics that are on my website! Make sure to follow me and I’ll follow you back! Visit my canva profile here: thatflippingbanddirector

Here is a list of the many ways I use Canva – this tool is amazing to enhance what you do with your students!

– Concert reminders

– Video introductions

– Fun graphics for anything

– Band Hall signs and posters

– Blog graphics

What will you create?! Make sure to share your creations here and on thatflippingbanddirector’s facebook page!

Happy Summer and have fun trying something new!

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