YouTube Week!


Some of you might roll your eyes at this one, but having a YouTube account and basic knowledge of how the website works is extremely beneficial when you are trying to cultivate any sort of online presence or learning environment. That being said, this week’s Bootcamp Challenge is for you to create your own YouTube account, and explore the YouTube process a little bit!

I will venture to say that if you are reading this blog post, you have probably watched a YouTube video before or at least used the website in some way. My tv can even go on YouTube! This means that YouTube is a free and extremely accessible way for you to get ideas or instruction out there! Instruction on YouTube is rampant – just do a search for how to do anything and there are some videos ready for you to watch that explain the process in varying degrees of correctness 🙂

Last week if you read my Facebook page you may have seen a lovely picture of the underside of my kitchen sink…my garbage disposal and I had a little disagreement and I had to go exploring down there. My dad doing a some explaining over the phone and YouTube showed me how to take care of the minor issue. It is a resource that many of us rely on for knowledge – just imagine using it to give your students different instruction!

I don’t mean to ramble on here, but my flipping process started when I wanted to do a music theory lesson with some of my beginning band students. I found a theory video explaining the simple concept and incorporated it into my lesson with various pause breaks or skipping of parts. During the day as I was doing this with one class, thinking how cool it was, I thought “hey, I could probably make a video similar to this…”

You don’t have to upload your own content to make YouTube a useful thing for you!! Make your account, do some exploring, and create a playlist of videos that will benefit your students next year.

Don’t worry, I am not going to leave you high and dry here – this is YouTube Week in Bootcamp and I am going to walk you through a new process on YouTube every day. But you have to go sign up first 😉

Once you sign up, make sure to subscribe to my page here!
I will subscribe back and we can share playlists and content this way! It will be so fun you will love it!

I cannot wait to share this YouTube week with you! Have fun!

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