The First Experiment

Testing the waters of middle school technology

With the first day of school upon us and classroom procedures the talk of the teachers lounge I made my first official flipped video.

It was stupid easy.

I walked my iPad around the band hall and outside and shot video. I then cut it in the iPad version of iMovie (I actually shot the video directly into iMovie). I added automatic theming and music and some text and was done. I did not say one word in the video.

I have to admit that I was nervous about hearing my own voice on video at this point.

Here is what I came up with. The idea was to make sure each student got the same information worded the same way and that they would understand what we are expecting of them. I also wanted them to be interested in it so it needed to be attention grabbing.

Here’s the link to this particular video:

Keep in mind that I do teach middle school.

Every class paid attention. After the first 6th grade class I took a little poll. I asked them to point to the door we exit out of for a fire drill – they all did. I asked them to tell me what color the box is that they turn money in to. They all said grey.

How easy was that?!
Now I am really hooked.

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